Diamond Brite Pool Finish Problems: Identification And Solution

The Diamond Brite pool finish is a one-of-a-kind pool finish that is simple to use, comfortable for swimmers, and lasts for a long period.

It is very appealing to the users as the blend of quartz with Portland cement makes an excellent finish for both brand new pools and pools that are about to be renovated.

Although Diamond Brite pool finish has earned a reputation in the market, it still has some shortcomings or downfalls.

To get a better understanding, we have come up with some common Diamond Brite pool finish problems and their solutions for you in this article.

Common Diamond Brite Pool Finish Drawbacks

Diamond Brite pool finish problems

Here is a list of its common issues:

  • Scaling problem.
  • Etching issue.
  • Complaints about cracking.
  • Bonding failure.

Although Diamond Brite pool finishes are chemical-resistant and usually last for over 10 years, they have drawbacks. Some of the commons ones are explained.

  • Scale

Sometimes, you might notice some patches of scales on top of your finish. These are the result of hard water, which causes the finishes to have scales like this.

The hard water appears due to even a minimum reaction between water and the minerals present inside them. The chemical reaction causes an imbalance in the ph level of the water inside the pool.

The pH level gets higher causing higher alkalinity.

Scale is a common and major problem and drawback for Diamond Brite pool coating or finish. Due to this, the pool might need a replastering if the damage is at a severe level.

How Can Scales in a Pool Be Treated?

Usually, a lot of chemicals are used to remove the hard water and turn it into soft water. Before treating the hard water, you must check the ph level of the water and treat it accordingly.

You can buy a treatment (Acid Magic, Instant Liquid Acid, etc.) from the market or make your own home remedy using vinegar and water solution and scrub it over the pool titles using a brush.

If the hardness is at a severe level, you might need to change the whole coating to prevent it.

  • Etching

Etching causes the coating to turn into a beige color due to acidic reactions to the water inside the pool.

Some might think it is caused due to the presence of unwanted algae, but it is actually caused by the pH level of the water inside the pool.

Just like scales, etching is caused due to an imbalance in pH level, but this time it’s lower, which means the water gets acidic.

The etching causes damage between the Diamond Brite finish and the water, which eventually creates a hole inside. FYI: Quartz pool finishes have the same problem too!

How Can Etching Inside a Pool Be Treated?

Diamond Brite pool finish

Many of the owners are often bewildered, and they don’t know how to repair the Diamond Brite pool finish from getting the etching.

Usually, replastering is done as the walls of the finishes break down, and it becomes beyond repairable using only chemicals. So, the entire pool needs to be renovated due to etching.

  • Cracking

Due to extremely dry or windy weather conditions, you might notice some cracks in the pool tiles where you have applied your Diamond Brite pool finish.

These issues are also called checking or crazing. This problem is often seen if the plasters or the finishes are not applied properly or are not left to dry properly before use.

How can the crackings in pools be repaired?

Resurfacing the entire pool is a viable option to stop the crack. So, the plaster has to change or get replaced.

If the crack is minor, you can try to repair it using a vinyl liner pool using patches. Other than patches, you can go for an acid wash for them.

  • Bond Failure

Sometimes, your Diamond Brite pool finish might not stick the plaster to it properly, cause it to fall off. This can be considered a common phenomenon when any pool has been renovated or replastered.

The professionals who plaster the pool tiles must be very careful about the procedure. If It goes wrong, the whole procedure might have to be repeated all over again.

How to Repair Bond Failure in a Swimming Pool?

The answer to how to repair the Diamond Brite pool finish from bond failure is very simple yet time-consuming.

First, the plaster needs to be removed entirely, and patches need to be applied at the spots where the bond failure problems started.

Patching the spots would prevent the cement walls from breaking and causing a bond failure.

Is Diamond Brite a Good Pool Finish?

Reviews and research suggest that Diamond Brite is one of the best finishes or coatings for the pools. To understand the facts better, let’s dive into some diamond Brite pros and cons.

Although Diamond Brite finishes are subject to be damaged under many circumstances mentioned above. Some features of the Diamond Brite finishes are:

  • It has natural quartz aggregate blends
  • It has polymer-modified cement
  • It is chemical-resistant
  • It is easy and comfortable to maintain and use

These features make Diamond Brite totally worth the purchase for a pool owner.

Although there are significant cons or risks involving it, as we’ve discussed before, every finish or coatings would come with the same range of problems.

So, it’s better to install the best available option in the market rather than going for the cheap and unsustainable ones.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is Diamond Brite a good pool finish?

Apart from being exposed aggregate, it has a stunning appearance and durable performance. Very easy to maintain and the finish feels comfortable.

How Long Does Diamond Brite pool finish last?

It should not fade and become stained for at least 8 to 12 years.

Is Diamond Brite better than plaster?

Of course, it’s better than plaster. It will cost you a little more than plaster, but you will have a durable stunning-looking pool finish.

How much does it cost to resurface a pool with Diamond Brite?

For a rough finish, it will cost you from $4K to $9K. For a polished finish, it may cost you from $5K to $10K.

Is Diamond Brite waterproof?

Yes, to make it resistant to degradation and staining, it has waterproof properties.

Final Words

Any pool finish you buy from the market would wear out someday. But you must make a good purchase to make sure if the pool finish you are buying would last longer than any of the finishes or coatings available in the market.

Identifying these common Diamond Brite pool finish problems would make it easier for you to overcome these problems with better knowledge and understanding.

Without knowing the nature of the problems and why they occur, you might face difficulties handling them.

So, these guidelines would help you to make a wise decision for using the pool finish and combating any problem that comes with it.

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