No matter how hard you work on your lawn, a time comes when you need to spruce it up. Thatch is one such setback. Thatches consist of dead grass, roots, and stems that gather between the surface and the ground. For small lawns, a leaf rake is all it takes to remove thatch.
For a larger area, or if you do not have the time for it, lawn service for hire will come in handy. Besides, chemical products exist for the same purpose, but these too have their side effect.
Numerous options abound, but there is a more efficient one. It is also cheaper and less stressful. A mower attachment is your best bet. Never mind the fact that you have not used it before; we are about to show you. Before we get to the details, a sneak peek would suffice.
To dethatch a lawn with a mower attachment, you must own a rechargeable lawnmower. All you need to do is to remove its cutting edge (the blade) and attach the dethatching tool.
Mower Attachments for Dethatching
Mower attachments come in numerous varieties. Some feature wire tines, while others utilize flat steel blades. You can also refer to these as power rakes, vertical mowers, or vertical slicers. If using the equipment for the first time, seek advice from the rental agency.
Alternatively, you can contact agricultural extension. Both will offer valuable assistance. In any case, once you get the hang of, your next dethatching experience will be a breeze.
As you will shortly realize, using a lawnmower attachment to dethatch is not only comfortable but satisfying. Here now are the guidelines:
- Inspect Your Lawn
An effective way to establish whether you need to dethatch is by examining it. When you walk on the surface, it should be firm. However, if you notice a spongy feel to the feet, you need to dethatch. Sponginess means that the lawn has a buildup of dead grass.
Alternatively, you can test the surface barefooted. Take a few random steps with your shoes off. If you feel a firm surface, the lawn is okay. However, if your feet keep sinking into the grass, then you must dethatch it.
Another way is by pressing the grass with your hands. Again, apply the same principle of checking for firmness and sinking. If satisfied, you can put off the task until the next time. Otherwise, get your mower ready.
- Mow the Grass
Grass height may affect efficiency. The low height is the best, while for tall grass, you must trim first. You must always remember that the objective is to remove dead grass that is above the soil. Mow the lawn to half its height. After that, remove the cut grass blades using a rake. Now you are ready to dethatch.
- How to Attach the Dethatch Blade to a Mower?
Remove the cutting blade from the lawnmower. To do this, you need to tilt the equipment on the side. Also, you can tilt the mower towards the handle, after which you prop it with a heavy object. Unplug the spark plug and drain out the gas. Proceed to turn the retaining bolt using a wrench. Before removal, note the blade’s position or put a mark on the surface to see how it fits on the mower deck. It would help if you observed this to avoid confusion during reattachment.
- Attach the Dethatching Blade
Place the blade aside and proceed to attach the dethatching blade on the lawnmower’s spindle. Ensure that the springs are facing downward. Mower attachments for thatching resemble the ordinary mowing blades. However, they have a slight modification, metal, or plastic projections that hang downwards. Once you are confident that the component is in place, tighten the bolt before re-attaching the spark plug.
- Mow the Yard Again
Adjust the settings on your mowing equipment such that you increase the deck height. From there, begin to mow as you normally would. As you pull and push the lawnmower front and back, the springs on the newly attached blade remove the dead grass and roots. After completion, adjust the deck height again and repeat to remove any remaining thatches.
- Re-attach the Mowing Blade
Upon completion of thatching, it is now time to replace the blades. Repeat the process detailed in steps one and two but the reverse. Keep the lawnmower aside and rake up the excess thatch. Collect it together with the cut grass and dispose of it in a compost heap. You can also put the organic material into plastic bags and place them in a garbage container for disposal.
- Cover the Patches
After dethatching, you will not like the look on your lawn. It looks as if someone was digging things up and forgot to lay the grass properly. Nothing to tense about here as gardens always spring back into form quickly. However, dethatching can leave bare spots that make your yard look ugly. A simple solution involves repair using a patching product.
- Water and Fertilize the Lawn
Once you finish with the repair, ensure that you water the yard frequently and fertilize it. For fertilizer, distribute it evenly on the lawn. Allow about three weeks, and the grass will grow anew. Schedule your dethatching tasks to coincide with the spring. During this season, grass grows actively. Also, the soil has enough moisture to sustain new lawn growth.
An accumulation of lawn thatch is detrimental to the health of your grass and soil. The dense mass of grass clippings, roots, and stems blocks the flow of nutrients, water, and air. Thatching blades exist that easily attach to lawnmowers. They have spring tines, sling blades, or fixed knives that penetrate the surface and break up thatch.
As a standard practice, you must dethatch your lawn every year. In case you skipped the first year, dethatch in the next. Lawnmower attachments for thatching are readily available. Besides, they come in a variety of sizes, and you can always find a compatible one. Now, watch the video to learn how to dethatch a lawn with a mower attachment!