Are you worried about your pool losing 1 inch of water a day? Wondering what to do about it? Then you are at the right corner of the internet.
Go through this article to find the best solutions for your pool losing water every day.
Losing water every day is a common phenomenon for swimming pools. It mainly happens because of evaporation.
You can see this occurring, especially during the summer season due to extreme heat. But usually, this natural loss of water is very minimal.
How To Detect The Loss Of Water In Swimming Pools?

Many reasons can be there for your pool to lose water. For example, it might occur naturally due to evaporation, or there might be a crack.
But before understanding the reasons, you should properly detect if your pool is naturally losing 1-inch water every day or because of any other external cause.
In addition, you should also know how much water loss in a pool is normal.
Detection of your pool’s losing water might be difficult or easy, depending on the situation. In some cases, you might need to call a repairman or professional to repair your pool.
Let’s look at some ways to detect if your swimming pool is losing water overnight, at an unexpected rate.
- Check the Evaporation Rate
The rate of evaporation is affected by different ecological variables. However, as a pool owner, you can easily detect it. Learn whether your pools are losing water naturally or a defect that is causing water loss.
You could notice, for example, that you’re losing an inch or two of water in a couple of days or that your monthly water bill is steadily increasing. Something isn’t quite right in either of the cases.
- Check the Water Level
You can simply observe and distinguish if the water loss is due to evaporation or a leak. Use a marker or anything to mark to indicate the water level in your pool for the first test.
The water level will go down the marked point the next day. If the leak is an inch or even more, you have to understand that evaporation cannot cause such an amount of water.
Therefore, it must be a leak!
- Do a ‘Bucket Test’
To evaluate evaporation in your pool, use the “bucket test”. Simply place a bucket of water next to the pool and make a note of the water level in the bucket as well as the pool level.
Now you have to wait for 24 hours before checking for both losses. You have a leak if the pool loses more water than the bucket.
- Check for Tears in Your Pool Lining
A vinyl pool liner may last 10 years or more with appropriate maintenance and installation. However, they are prone to separation and tears, which can result in high water costs.
In just 24 hours, a tiny tear in your pool’s vinyl lining can cause an inch or more of water loss.
Start by thoroughly inspecting the lining for cracks or tears. You can look at the vulnerable locations of the pool, such as seals around returns, lights, and corners.
Although pool liner patches are available for a low-cost repair, the lining may need to be replaced in some situations.
- Check for Dirt Accumulation and Algae Growth
Check if there is any dirt or air accumulated or blown in the pool or if any algae growth is noticeable or not.
You may notice air or dirt being blown into the pool from the returns if air or dirt is being drawn into the plumbing system through a leak. This dirt causes very acute and strange bubbling sounds in your pool.
Again, adding extra, polluted water to a defective pool regularly can cause chemical consumption to fluctuate, as well as algae development and discoloration.
Finding and fixing a leak may be a better option than continuing to treat the water.
These can be some ways to detect whether your pool is leaking somewhere or not. Now, watch this video before you call the pool leak detection company!
Now that you know how to detect the leak in your pool, let’s talk about some solutions you can come up with for this problem.
How To Repair A Pool Leak?
There can be many reasons why your pool is losing water overnight. Your pool can have different types of leaks. Different leaks have different treatments or repairments.
- Leaks in the Plumbing
Your plumbings might leak due to excess water pressure or any other external reasons. It also might get malfunctioned. In this case, it is best to replace your plumbing system. Call a professional for this.
- Leaks In The Fittings
Sometimes your fittings might get loose due to external damages or any other cause. You can simply put some silicone around the leak in the fittings to stop the leak.
- Leak in the Drains
Drain leak is the worst nightmare for pool owners. There is no option other than replacing your entire drainage system to stop the leak.
Without the drainage system, your pool won’t work, so you can use a pipe into your pool’s drain to shut it down entirely while it’s being repaired.
- ·Leak In The Skimmer
In this case, it will depend on how severely the skimmer of your pool is damaged.
Patching the skimmer with silicone is a good option as a temporary fix, but eventually, you’re going to need a replacement or permanent fix for the skimmer to stop leaking.
How Much Does it Cost to Fix a Leak?

There is no exact amount of how much it might cost you to repair the leaks in your pool. However, as pools leaks can be difficult to locate and analyze, a professional or expert in this field is always a good option.
Hiring an expert might cost you around a hundred bucks, and fixing your damaged parts may cost another hundred.
However, if you have a significant problem that necessitates concrete cutting, it may certainly be considerably more.
The best way to economically handle the cost of your pool leaks can be to focus on maintaining it properly and preventing the leaks. However, it is not always possible to stop all sorts of leaks.
That is why stop overlooking the slightest issues your pools might be facing.
Although the repairs have no estimated cost and depend on situations, you might solve it yourself or maintain your pool properly before it gets out of your hands.
How to Prevent Pools from Leaking?
As we all have heard once in a while, “Prevention is better than cure”, you might want to focus on preventing your pool from leaking. A few simple steps would help you do that.
- Securely fastening the fittings of the pool.
- Testing the plumbing pressure and securing it tightly.
- Using pool salts which is also helpful for the pool environment.
- Using muriatic acids to maintain proper pH levels.
- Using tile or vinyl as an alternative to sand to put under pool.
These are few preventions that can be used while maintaining a pool. A pool is not very hard to maintain, but it can be quite stressful and money consuming to repair once it gets damaged.
So, it is always better to start preventing the leaks rather than stressing over finding the best and economic cures for them.
Final Words
Maintaining a pool is no rocket science. Anyone can easily do it with proper knowledge and guidance. Just concentrate on checking whether or not your pool is leaking somewhere.
Know the basics of the minimum amount of water which shall indicate evaporation and which shall not.
Your pool losing 1-inch of water a day may exceed to losing 6 inches of water overnight. So, never overlook any issue.