How To Keep Inflatable Pool Water Clean In Multiple Ways?

Cleaning an inflatable pool is a vital aspect of their maintenance.  It not only helps prolong their longevity but also is essential for the swimmer’s health.

But sadly, not everyone knows how to keep inflatable pool water clean.

There are different techniques for cleaning the inflatable pool water, such as draining the pool, filtering the pool, or using a leaf rake.

Stick with me in this article as we talk about the most affordable techniques on this subject.

6 Steps To Keep Inflatable Pool Water Clean

how to keep inflatable pool water clean

The key contaminants of an inflatable pool or paddling pool are bacteria and debris. The constant stagnant water attracts bacteria; hence regular treatment of the pool is essential.

Salt and chlorine sanitizers are common in killing and preventing bacteria growth.

On the debris, it is vital to have a mechanism that will help remove any possible debris in the water and prevent the entry of leaves and debris, such as using covers and rakes. Below are more details.

Removing The Debris From Pool

Debris and other organic materials will damage the pool’s surface and pose a risk to the swimmers. Thus, you need to check for debris in the pool regularly, how you’d wonder.

There are many ways of removing sediment from bottom of a pool, but here are some common ways.

  • Use A Pool Leaf Rake

Maybe you are used to using a rake for removing leaves from your compound grass. Pool leaf rakes are specially constructed rake with nets and a deep bag that is used to remove debris from the pool.

Just simply connect the pool pole to the net and drag it on the bottom of the pool.

  • Use A Pool Cover

Typically, the kiddie pools come with a cover. This cover serves to prevent the entry of pets, leaves, or debris into the pool. Consequently, you should put back the cover to help have your pool clean.

Ensure that the cover has a tight fit by holding it with bricks or bungees.

  • Use Pool Filter

Using filters is another mechanism that can help keep inflatable pools clean. As their name suggests, filters work by removing any unwanted material in the water.

However, you should not use a filter while the pool is in use, for it alters the suction power of the pool.

  • Use A Pool Vacuum

There are manual and automatic vacuum cleaners for inflatable pools. The automatic vacuum cleaners have a rechargeable battery operation.

For the manual vacuum cleaner, connect the garden hose to the pool’s pole to vacuum.

  • Regulate the ph level

An increase or decrease in ph attracts the growth of bacteria’s which are likely to cause skin diseases, among other infections.

Furthermore, a lower ph is likely to corrode the inflatable pool’s constructing materials, which would shorten their longevity.

When the ph increase, for example, up to 7.6, you need to add at least 0.2 oz for every 100 gallons of a strong acid to reduce the ph.

In case of a lower ph, you can look for an appropriate base to lower the acidity

How To Keep An Inflatable Kiddie Pool Clean With Salt?

keep a kiddie pool clean with salt

Further, if you need a less costly way of keeping the pool clean, you can consider using salt. Salt inhibits the growth of bacteria and viruses that breed in water.

Granulated salt is more recommendable due to its low solubility. Thus it takes a longer time to liquefy in water. Below is a step-by-step guide on keeping an inflatable kiddie pool clean with salt.

  1. Empty And Clean The Pool

First, clean the pool. Drain all the water using the plug and the garden horse. Then, use a scrubbing brush to clean the pool walls thoroughly.

You can use any available cleaning chemical, and also, if possible, you can test the ph of the water at this stage.

  1. Add The Salt

After cleaning the pool, you can now add salt as your sanitizer. However, first, you should calculate the pool’s total surface area to determine the needed amount.

If your pool is circular, find its radius and then calculate an area of a circle using your radius.

  1. Regulate The Acidity

High acidity levels affect the working of salt. Hence if your pool water ph is below 7.2, you should raise it using sodium disulphate to restore its alkalinity properties.

Avoid leaving the pool covered during the day. Covering the pool limits air circulation, leading to the growth of algae or any other bacteria and viruses.

The good news is, you can use the same technique to keep paddling pool water clean too.

How To Use Kiddie Pool Sanitizer?

With the exception of using salt, also some people use chlorine to sanitize their pools. Chlorine has a higher solubility and also lasts longer than salt.

The process of sanitizing with chlorine sanitizer is almost similar to using salt.

First, empty the pool and then use a scrubbing brush to clean the inflatable pool walls thoroughly. Now add clean water.

If you haven’t tested the ph of the pool any time soon, you can test it now and then adjust it appropriately. The recommendable ph for the pool is 7.2 to 7.4.

Now, you can add the chlorine according to the pool’s size. Similarly, it would help if you regularly left the pool uncovered for better air circulation, which prevents the growth of algae and any other bacteria and viruses.

Watching this video will be helpful in this regard.

How To Use A Pool Filter?

Unlike the pool rakes, the pool filters are slightly complicated to use, but this is something you need to use when you just filled your pool with water.

Yes, it’s complicated but nothing should worry you for now.  I will explain how the pool filters work and their operation

Pump filters function by letting the water flow inside them. The water flowing into the filter is removed the debris, and if it is of higher quality, it can also remove bacteria.

The water filtered outflows to the heater through the plumbing area and then to then chlorine generates,

Having discussed how the filter works, let us now examine how to operate it. Are you set?

There are three types of filters: sand filter, D.E filter, and cartridge filter. The cartridge filter has cartridges that function by sieving out the debris.

The diatomaceous earth filter, D.E, has finger-like projections that remove debris.

As the name suggests, the sand filter has little penetration, removing sand from the water.

For all these filters, you only have to place them in the water, and they will handle the rest of the work.

However, if you have a small pool and wondering to keep a small pool clean without a filter, you can opt for a pool rake.

Draining And Refilling The Pool

You should regularly drain and refill the pool water. Stagnant water attracts the breeding of fungi and bacteria.

Usually, the inflatable pools come with a drain plug for draining and refilling the pool. Hence you can be sure that the process is simple.

To drain the pool, connect the plug with a garden house and let the water flow out. The garn house can also siphon water which serves best if you don’t have a drain plug. When refilling the pool, you should use clean and tested water.

How To Keep Inflatable Pool Water Clean Naturally?

pool cover to keep water clean naturally

Not everyone is fond of cleaning the pool using chemicals. And they have their good reasons. Some of their concerns are valid.

So, they like to keep it clean naturally. And let me tell you something…it’s entirely possible!

There are couple of natural ways to do so. Here are some of them:

  • Cover Your Pool

When nobody is using the pool, what’s the point keeping it open. Get a pool cover and cover your pool to protect it from the harsh environment.

There are multiple benefits covering your pool…

First of all, it will keep the pool cleaner and it can reduce the number of cleaning frequency will be significantly reduced.

When it’s always a good idea to buy the pool cover, don’t try to cover your pool with homemade cover. Such homemade covers can’t protect your pool during the rainy season.

You can get tarp or kiddie pool cover for that purpose. If you go for the tarp, you can use bricks or stones to prevent it being blown away.

If you don’t like the hassle, get a pool cover with lots of bungee cords. You can get the same to keep paddling pool water clean tool.

  • Try Skimming Nets

When you can effectively keep the visible dirt out of your pool, your pool water will keep clean for a longer time.

Skimming nets are effective for both larger and smaller pools. And since even the kids can do the skimming, you won’t find it hard to keep your pool dirt-free.

Regular skimming will keep the leaves, dirt, or insects out of the pool and prevent the dirt from accumulating at the pool bottom.

  • Keep The Feet & Body of Your Kid Clean Before Entering the Pool

It’s the dirt from the feet and body of your kids that make the pool water nasty quickly. So, before they jump into the pool, make sure they are free of dirt and debris.

  • Keep The Sick Kid Away From The Pool

That’s a great mistake. Letting a sick kid play in the pool will not only make the pool water contaminated, it will make other kids sick too since germs can transmit easily through water.

  • Clean The Soap Lather

No matter how hard you try, kids will use shampoo and soap in your pool. Such things contaminate the water quickly.

You can use scumbag to suck out those shampoo and soap easily. Scumbags are nothing but sponges that can soak up to 40 to 50 times of its weight.

You just dip the sponge nearby the lather and keep doing it until your pool becomes free of bubbles from soap and shampoo.

Don’t forget to rinse the sponge once you are done with it.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can you put chlorine in an inflatable pool?

You don’t need to put chlorine in an inflatable pool to keep the water clean and safe.

How long can water sit in pool without chlorine?

The water can sit up to 3 to 6 days in the pool without chlorine. Although, it varies depending on the level of temperature rise and pool activity.

Should I put chlorine in my kiddie pool?

No, it’s not safe to put chlorine in your kiddie pool.

How long can water be left in a kiddie pool?

Maximum 24 hours. Drain the water as soon as your kids done swimming.

How long after putting bleach in Pool Can you swim?

You should wait 2 to 4 hours after you put bleach in the pool.

Final Remarks

It is vital to maintain the inflatable pools clean to enhance their longevity but also to assure the health of the users.

To keep it clean, you should first empty the pool, clean it and raise or decrease its ph appropriately.

Also, periodically remove the debris, sand, and leaves that may have found their way to your pool.

Moreover, the inflatable pool needs regular draining and refilling of water. That helps prevent the breeding of bacteria and fungi.

You can read this piece to learn more techniques on keeping inflatable water clean.

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