Country Clipper Mower Problems And Their Solutions!

Bad customer service is the first thing you remember when you think about the brand. And there are plenty of bad dealers to make the situation even worst.

A good mower is supposed to make the manicuring of your lawn a lot easier. But a bad one can be a nightmare. And if you are having some Country Clipper mower problems, I know your pain…

You will get to know such issues here and learn what to do to solve such problems. You won’t be disappointed; keep reading!

Common Problems of Country Clipper Mower

Country Clipper mower problems

Before I go any further, let’s summarize the problems first:

  • Engine sputter issue.
  • Cutting blades problems.
  • Joystick issues.
  • Deck belt comes off often.
  • Mower does not turn over.
  • Turns over but won’t start.
  • Worse dealership base.
  • Bad customer service even you get it from a great dealer.

I am not saying it’s a bad mower brand, but the problems at the customer service and bad dealerships are real and very frustrating. So, to me, the low-quality dealership base is the main problem of the brand.

Like you, a lot of the mower owners feel the same way. The joy of controlling it with a joystick won’t last when those problems arise out of nowhere. And they refuse to honor the warranty!

Other than that, the technical problems are almost similar to any other riding lawnmowers. It has engine problems and cutting blades issues like other brands.

Great Advice!

With the right tips and guide, you can fix most of those technical problems yourself. I will share such tips here later in this article. But you should not try to fix it yourself as long as it has a warranty period.

But the very important thing to remember is to get it from a reputed dealer. Your life will be a lot easier if you can ensure that. Read some reviews online or send an email directly to the manufacturer.

There are plenty of Country Clipper dealers out there. If you don’t get it from a reputed dealer, you will suffer a lot when the mower starts to show symptoms.

You see, a lot of such bad dealers don’t register their sales with the manufacturer. So, when you contact customer service, they won’t honor the warranty since your unit is not registered.

The suffering does not end here! Sometimes, they will even ask you to send the faulty mower to Iowa where the head office is located.

In case you are wondering who makes country clipper mowers, it’s Shivvers Manufacturing Inc. located at Iowa.

So, do yourself a favor and get it from a highly recommended dealer.


Country Clipper

The mower features a zero turning radius and you can control it with a joystick. Apart from the joystick problem, you can follow the below-mentioned steps for quick troubleshooting:

  1. A Thorough Cleaning

When the blades engage, if the engine stalls; there may be debris, dead leaves, or grouts underside of the mower.

So check the underside of your mower and clean them all! This should fix the stalling problem of the engine.

  1. Tighten/Replace The Loose Spark Plug Wires

In case the mower is very difficult to start, replace the plugs if tightening the loose spark plugs doesn’t work.

  1. Fuel Tank & Filter

If it turns over but won’t start, clean or replace the fuel filter. Top up the fuel tank if it’s empty. If nothing works, you can adjust the choke.

Most people forget. So, you must check the fuel tank on a regular basis and top it up when needed. But make sure to clean the tank before filling it up!

  1. Replace Battery & Fuse

Let’s say, you try to start the mower but it won’t turn over. Try to put it in neutral mode and disengage the cutting blades. The blade should be working when unfastened and when the settings are changed.

The reason you need to do this because of the persistent use and gunk build-up. So, you have issues when the blades are moving.

If it does not, you may need to replace the fuse and battery. This will restore the energy and caliber for sure. So, the blades have a higher chance of working again.

  1. Transmission Shift Arm

Sometimes, the engine runs but the mower doesn’t move forward. It happens a lot when the mower stays stiff even when the engine is perfectly fine. Try replacing the oil filter, add some oil, and try to reconnect the transmission shift arm.

Also, try replacing the drive belt if reconnecting the transmission shift arm does not work for you.

  1. Call A Professional

If nothing above the tips solve the problem you are dealing with, call a service technician.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How much are Country Clipper mowers?

Around $5K USD.

Is Country Clipper a good mower?

Yes, if you can get it from a trusted dealer. It will reduce the trimming and mowing time by half. Thanks to the outstanding engine quality and well-built construction!

Where are Country Clipper Mowers made?

Corydon, Iowa.

How much does a country Clipper XLT cost?

Around $6.5K USD for that commercial quality mower.


The endnote is that if you get it from a trusted dealer and make sure it is registered, you won’t suffer much with any Country Clipper mower problems.

If the warranty period expires and you are comfortable, try the solutions mentioned above.

About Author

12 thoughts on “Country Clipper Mower Problems And Their Solutions!”

  1. Country clipper engine stops when I engage mower deck PTO everything else been great for 9 years. Heck of good mower for my 2 acres

  2. the belt control plate on my Country Clipper Jazee One either rubs the deck belt or a pulley no matter how much adjustment is done. Is it okay to try mowing without the plate? I don’t want to waste a belt testing but will if necessary, not that it would solve anything. Jim

  3. Engine sputter issue. 2018 SR355 helofamower, don’t want to trash it. It has gone from sputtering and quiting once in a whicle until now it will crank but shuts off amost immediately. Took to local shade tree mechanic 4 times no help. To a AUTHORIZED dealer twice (Rays Tractor & Mower, Manning SC. First time he sonic cleaned the carberator. It came back in worse shape. Second time he could not get it to duplicate the problem in five minutes so refused to work on it anymore. Of course charged me $160. for cleaniing the carberator.

  4. Richard Patterson

    was mowing the yard , hadn’t had a problem in 4.5 yr’s with anything . But then all of a sudden it shut’s down sooooooooo
    i cranked it back up it died did that 3 time’s same thing happened ?
    Changed the spark plug’s fuel filter no change ! No change soooo
    i guess gas is next? O’yea so checked the fuel pump worked great.

    If anybody has a Idea PLEASE SEND!!!!!

  5. My joystick feels loose and sloppy on my country clipper jazzy 2. It’s an old mower and want to know if there is any way to tighten it up. At rest it leans a little to the right.

  6. Country Clipper Manual Jack operation problems
    When turning the jack handle as recommended counter-clockwise, rather than the deck lifting, the frame of the jack becomes bent. Please refer instructions, photos and perhaps a video for proper operation of the Boulevard and Avenue manual jack.

  7. after cleaning the deck, i dropped the deck down, put belt back on, tensioned the belt, and tried to remove the pin in the lowest position but cannot get the pin out. the bar which is against the pin will not move forward to give some room to remove the pin. How can i get it tomove forward?

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