Should I Rototill My Lawn Before Seeding And How To Do It?

Recently, there has been a lot of fuss online with everyone asking, “Should I rototill my lawn before seeding?” Tiling of the soil helps to churn out the soil particles, which highly increases soil aeration.

Besides,  it improves the ground’s warmth, which is essential in the germination of the soil. However, if you have a large piece and you can’t afford a tractor, a rototiller will get things done for you.

Read along to learn the importance of rototilling before seeding.

Why Should You Rototill A Lawn?

should I rototill my lawn before seeding

If you are starting a grass lawn or vegetable garden, then you will need a rototiller. A rototiller is a power-driven device that is handy in churning and breaking soil particles.

They have adjustable blades, wheels on the front, and handles to push or pull. Its tines are adjustable and revolve around the axle while cutting through the soil particles.

Considering that they are power-driven, rototillers are more energy-efficient than shoveling or spading.

Besides, because it is more expensive to acquire a tractor, most people settle for a rototiller because it is cheaper.

Additionally, rototilling gets deeper into the soil than shoveling, which means it separates the soil particles better.

Let me explain!

Rototilling churns out the soil loosens the particles leaving air spaces for better aeration. Additionally, it increases the warmth of the soil particles, which is also essential for the germination of the seeds.

How To Tear Up A Lawn And Reseed It?

how to tear up a lawn and reseed

Now that it is clear to you that you should regularly rototill your land, we should also make it clear that good results are only after a correctly performed task.

In other words, if you rototill your land mediocrely without paying much attention, then regrets will surely befall you.  Did you visit us to scare you?

Not at all!

On the contrary, we aim to ensure you rototill your lawn effectively. Without further ado, let’s get it done!

  • Take Preparation

Before you get into action, you need to wear protective gear. The safety gear consists of eye protection to prevent the debris and soil particles from getting into your eyes. 

Also, you should have protective shoes to prevent your legs from sharp blades.

  • Prepare The Lawn And Choose The Route

Ideally, you should identify the longest route in your garden to cover more area, which helps minimize the amount of time spent.

Also, the rototillers blades are very sharp to cut through debris and rocks, which may blunt it. Thus, it would be best to collect all the debris and large stones lying on the ground.

  • Check The Moisture

When using a rototiller on dry ground, it causes it to clamp. Likewise, the machine will get muddy if the soil is too wet, significantly decreasing its efficiency.

Thus, the ground should be moderately moisturized, making it easier for the blades to cut through and have more effortless wheel rotations on the lawn.

If the lawn is too dry, you can water it to slightly soften the soil, while if it is too wet, you should wait for it to dry slightly.

  • Distribute Mulch And Fertilizer

Rototilling with mulch or fertilizer poured on the surface helps circulate the nutrients in every part of the garden, which improves fertility.

Consequently, it will be best if you perfectly distribute the mulch or your fertilizer before you start rototilling.

  • Get The Rototiller Ready

 Check the rototiller settings and adjust them accordingly. For instance, the depth of the blades should be at least 4 inches and at most 6 inches.

Also, if the device has a door or a guard, you will have to close it by putting it down. That will prevent the tiller from collecting debris or roots, which may block it.

  • Rototill The Land
Rototill The Land

Now everything is set, and you can get into tilling the land. As we said earlier, you should cultivate the ground across the longest route to help minimize time spent on this task.

You should also not leave any gaps between the different paths to ensure that every part of the land is tilled.

Further, always go back through the same route you were tilling for efficient coverage and better the churning of the soil and distribution of the mulch and fertilizer.

  • Finish Up!

You are almost done rototilling your land! Just one more thing, pick up the rake and run it through the yard to check for any debris.

After that, leave the ground to rest for a week or two, and if there were a section untilled, the left weed would rise. If that’s the case, you can re-till the section before reseeding.

  • Reseed

Everything is set! The soil is well aerated and well-circulated with nutrients. Thus you can get the seeds and set out to plant them. Watch this video for a better understanding.

Tips For Rototiller Grass Removal

Do you want to rototill your land more efficiently for better results? Then, observe the below tips to help you remove all unwanted plants and get your land ready for the next planting season;

  • Rototill the garden during the spring seasons. At that time, the soil temperature is approximately 500F, which is highly recommended to prevent the soil from becoming too stiff.
  • Start with the longest route across t5he garden.
  • Till the yard vertically and horizontally to ensure that every part is covered.
  • The rototiller blade should be set to a depth of 4 to 6 inches
  • Leave the land for up to 2 weeks before resending and re-till any section that might have been left with grass
  • Never till the ground when it is too muddy or dry

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Should I Rototill before seeding?

It’s not mandatory but if you rototill before seeding during the early spring, your lawn grass will be able to outgrow the weeds.

Should I rototill my yard before planting grass?

It’s not something you must do but if you have an uneven lawn, tilling your lawn will level out the soil. Tilling has many other advantages too.

Can I plant grass seed after tilling?

You can but you should not plant grass seed immediately after tilling. Make sure the soil is a bit dry and there are large clumps. Also, make sure the weeds are dead before you plant grass seed.

Can you lay grass seed without tilling?

Yes. Overseeding is an alternative way of laying grass seed without tilling.

Final Words

Rototilling a lawn or garden helps to improve the germination of the seeds. Nonetheless, if this task is performed incorrectly, it may result in accidents and, worse, a waste of your energy. 

This article has settled most of the questions, including “why should I rototill my lawn before seeding.” Even better, we have discussed the steps that you should follow when rototilling to increase its effectiveness.

Lastly, we have given you tips to apply if you want to be assured of 100% productivity when using a rototiller machine.

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